found: Madge Gill, 1985?:introduction (born in 1882; died 28 Jan. 1961)
found: Wikipedia, 23 Apr. 2009(Madge Gill (1882 -- 1961), born Maude Ethel Eades, was an English outsider and visionary artist)
found: Outsider art sourcebook, 2016:page 107 (Madge Gill 1882-1961 ; born in London at the end of nineteenth century ; began drawing in 1919)
found: Wikipedia web site, September 17, 2019:(Madge Gill (1882-1961), born Maude Ethel Eades, was an English outsider and visionary artist ; born in East Ham Essex ; she found work as a nurse at Whipps Cross Hospital, in Leytonstone ; took a sudden and passionate interest in drawing, creating thousands of mediumistic works over the following 40 years, most done with ink in black and white) -
found: Madge Gill web site, September 17, 2019:(She was born in the East End of London, where she spent the greater part of her life. In 1961, in her dark Victorian house on Plashet Grove, with its solid furniture, and its homemade carpets and quilts, Madge Gill breathed her last, ten days after her seventy-ninth birthday.) -