Natural Resources Wales (Agency)
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: Earth heritage, summer 2013:t.p. verso (Natural Resources Wales)
found: Its website, 24 Sept. 2013:home p. (Natural Resources Wales; Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru) about p. (Natural Resources Wales brings together the work of the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales and Forestry Commission Wales, as well as some functions of Welsh Government; it is principal adviser to the Welsh Government on the environment, enabling the sustainable development of Wales' natural resources for the benefit of people, the economy and wildlife) contact p. (Natural Resources Wales, Tŷ Cambria, 29 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 0TP)
found: Wikipedia, 24 Sept. 2013(Natural Resources Wales; a Welsh Government sponsored body, which became operational from 1 April 2013, when it took over the management of the natural resources of Wales; it was formed from a merger of the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales, and the Forestry Commission Wales, and also assumes some other roles formerly taken by Welsh Government; purpose: environmental protection and regulation; maintenance of natural resources)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
2013-09-24: new
2013-09-25: revised
Alternate Formats