found: Other kinds of dreams, 1998:t.p. (Julia Sudbury) prelim. (ass. prof. in Ethnic Studies, Mills Coll., Oaklands, Calif.)
found: Global lockdown, 2004:ECIP (Julia Sudbury; b. May 30, 1967)
found: Outsiders within, 2006:CIP t.p. (Julia Chinyere Oparah) data sheet (Julia Chinyere Oparah, professor of ethnic studies at Mills College, author of Other Kinds of Dreams, and editor of Global Lockdown.)
found: Mills College home page, viewed Aug. 11, 2008Faculty and staff directory (Julia Sudbury)
found: Email from author, Aug. 4, 2008(Request to change headings form Chinyere to Sudbury for the 2 books published before 2006; still uses the name, Julia Sudbury [see later information regarding permanent change of name])
found: Birthing justice, 2015:ECIP t.p. (Julia Chinyere Oparah)
found: Email from publisher, January 2, 2015(author changed her name from Julia Sudbury to Julia Chinyere Oparah in 2011)