found: Cry Freetown, 2000:title frame (Sorious Samura)
found: Living with AIDS, 2005:title frame (Sorious Samura)
found: IMDb, Aug. 28, 2014:(Sorious Samura, journalist and filmmaker; was born on October 27, 1963 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is known for his work on Blood Diamond (2006), Surviving Sudan (2005) and Out of Africa (2000); alternate names: Sorious Samara)
found: Von Planta Productions website, Aug. 28, 2014:Living with AIDS (a film with award winning reporter Sorious Samura about the impact of HIV/Aids in Zambia)
found: Insight TWI website, Aug. 28, 2014(Emmy winner Sorious Samura is one of the world's most widely respected African film and television journalists)
found: Wikipedia, Aug. 28, 2014:Sorious Samura (Samura is one of the directors of 'Insight News TV' [presently Insight TWI], an independent television production company in the UK focused on international current affairs programming; as of 2007, he works in London, UK, and considers both London and Freetown his hometown)