found: Come all my lads that follow the plough [SR] p1998:label (Willie Kemp) booklet (b. 1889, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire; d. 1965; traditional Scottish singer)
found: Harley, Duncan. The A-Z of curious Aberdeenshire, 2017, viewed in Google books, 13 February 2019:under Cornkisters ('King of' the Cornkisters' Willie Kemp (1889-1965); writer of many popular comic songs; signed up to Beltona record label and made frequent radio broadcasts from the BBC's Aberdeen studios in the 1920s; his output included classics such as 'Willie Gillander's goat', and 'The weddin' o' McGinnis to his cross-eyed pet')
found: Discogs WWW site, 13 February 2019:search under Come all my lads that follow the plough (Track 21: Willie Kemp and Curly McKay - Wi' ma big Kilmarnock bonnet'; real name: William Kemp; King of the Cornkisters (born 1888 in Oldmeldrum-1965) is best known as a singer and writer of Doric comic songs)