Claughton, Piers Calveley, 1814-1884
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found: A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of London ... on Tuesday, May 8, 1877, 1877:(Piers Calveley Claughton, D.D., archdeacon of London and assistant bishop in the diocese)
found: DNB(Claughton, Piers Calveley; b. 8 Jan. 1814, d. 11 Aug. 1884; bishop of St. Helena, 1859-1862; bishop of Colombo for 8 years from 1862; archdeacon of London and canon of St. Paul's, Mar. 1871; chaplain-general of the forces, 1875)
found: Concise DNB([name as above]; bishop of Colombo, 1862-1870; archdeacon of London, 1870-1875)
found: Crockford's clerical dir., 1878(Claughton, Piers Calveley; archdeacon of London, 1870)
found: OCLC, 9 June 2004(hdg.: Claughton, Piers Calveley, 1814-1884; usage: Piers Calveley Claughton, Piers C. Claughton, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Claughton)
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Change Notes
2004-06-11: new
2004-06-17: revised
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