found: Additive combinatorics, 2006:t.p. (Van Vu) prelim. (Dept. of Mathematics, Rutgers Univ.) cover (Van H. Vu)
found: Email from author, Sept. 29, 2006(Van Ha Vu, b. 1970)
found: Rutgers University, Dept. of Mathematics faculty Web site, Jan. 18, 2007(Van Vu; Van H. Vu; Ph. D., Yale University, 1998)
found: Digital dissertations, Jan. 18, 2007(Vu, Van Ha, Ph. D., Yale University, 1998--Embedding, anti-Hadamard matrices, extremal set systems and nibble method)
found: Modern aspects of random matrix theory, 2014:ECIP t.p. (Van H. Vu) data view (b. June 12, 1970)