found: Istria is ours, and we can prove it, 2006:t.p. (John E. Ashbrook)
found: "Outsiders" and the crisis of identity, 1996pdf title page (John Edward Ashbrook; master of arts, Department of History, Michigan State University)
found: Sweet Briar College catalog WWW, August 28, 2014(John Ashbrook; associate professor of history; B.A. Radford University; B.A. State University of New York at Oswego; M.A. Michigan State University; Ph.D. University of Florida)
found: WorldCat via FirstSearch, August 28, 2014(access points: Ashbrook, John E., Ashbrook, John; Ashbrook, John Edward; Ashbrook, John Edward, 1969- ; usage: John E. Ashbrook, John Ashbrook, John Edward Ashbrook)