found: Administre seu lar, 1974:t.p. (Linda Nelson, IICA [Instituto Interamericano de Ciências AgrÃcolas], Turrialba, Costa Rica)
found: Daily activity patterns of peasant homemakers, 1963:t.p. (Linda Jean Nelson)
found: WW of Am. Women, 7th ed., 1972-1973:(Nelson, Linda Jean; b. Feb. 3, 1929; edn.: Univ. Pa. (B.S. in Edn., 1950), Ia. State Univ. (M.S. in Home Mgmt., 1953), Mich. State Univ. (Ph. D. in Home Mgmt. and Anthropology, 1963); prof. exp.: Ia. State Univ. (instr., 1950-1953), Mich. State Univ. (Instr., 1954-1959), Inter-Am. Inst. Agrl. Scis., Turrialba, Costa Rica (home economist, 1961-1967), FAO, Santiago, Chile (regional home econs. officer, 1968-))
found: MSU news WWW, viewed June 29, 2009Alumni, friends of MSU to be recognized for achievements, originaly pub. Oct. 10, 2005 (Linda Nelson; prof. emeritus of family and child ecology in the MSU Dept. of Family and Child Ecology; served 16 years as a home economist for the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Costa Rica and as regional home economist for the FAO of the United Nations in Santiago, Chile; published in English and Spanish and was the first woman invited to give the main lecture at the World Food Institute at Ia. State Univ. She was a charter member of the Joint Committee on Agricultural Development under AID Foreign Assistance Legislation. She has consulted and taught in many nations, including Japan, Spain and Malaysia)
found: OCLC database, June 29, 2009(hdgs.: Nelson, Linda Jean; Nelson, Linda; Nelson Linda Jean, 1929- ; usage: Linda Nelson; Linda Jean Nelson)