found: Contribution à l'histoire de Georges d'Autriche, prince évêque de Liège (1544-1557), 1936:cover (Georges d'Autriche) p. 1 (b. 1505 in Gand)
found: OCLC, Jan. 8, 2010(hdg.: George [sic?] von Österreich, Prince-Bishop of Liége, d. 1557)
found: LC database, June 9, 2017(heading: Georg von Österreich, d. 1557; usage: Per Reuerendiss. in Christo patrem, ac Illustriss. D. Dominum Georgivm ab Avstria, Dei & Apostolicae sedis gratia episcopum Leodiensem)
found: Wikipedia, viewed June 9, 2017(George of Austria; b. 1505, Ghent; d. May 4, 1557, Liège; Prince-Bishop of Liège, 1544-1557)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed June 9, 2017(Georg von Österreich; b. 1504, Ghent; d. May 4, 1557, Liège; illegitimate son of Emperor Maximilian I and Margareta von Edelsheim; Bishop of Brixen, 1526-1539; Archbishop of Valencia, 1538-1542; Bishop of Liège, 1544-1557)
found: Catholic-Hierarchy WWW site, viewed June 9, 2017(Archbishop Jorge de Austria; b. 1504, Ghent (year uncertain); appointed Bishop of Brixen (Bressanone), Apr. 9, 1526; appointed Archbishop of Valencia, Nov. 29, 1538; ordained priest, Jan. 12, 1539; ordained bishop, Apr. 8, 1539; appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Liège, Feb. 23, 1541; succeeded as Bishop of Liège, Aug. 16, 1544; d. May 5, 1557)
found: Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA), viewed October 29, 2024(Joris van Oostenrijk ; born in Ghent, as bastard son of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria (1459-1519) ; from 1539-1543: Bishop of Valencia ; from 1544-1557: Prince-Bishop of Liège)
found: Dutch Wikipedia, viewed October 29, 2024(Joris van Oostenrijk ; was Bishop of Brixen from 1526 to 1538, Archbishop of Valencia from 1538 to 1544, and Prince-Bishop of Liège from 1544 until his death) -