found: Suciu, I.D. Catedrala Mitropoliei Banatului, 1979:t.p. (Nicolae, Mitropolitul Banatului)
found: Wikipedia, Dec. 24, 2010(Nicolae Mihail Corneanu; b. Nov. 21, 1923, in Caransebeș; since 1962 the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Banat and Archbishop of Timișoara)
found: His Biserica românească din nord-vestul țării în timpul prigoanei horthyste, 1986:t.p. (dr. Nicolae Corneanu, Mitropolitul Banatului)
found: Directory of officials of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1982:p. 126 (under Romanian Orthodox Church, Religious leaders: Corneanu, Nicolae, Metropolitan, Metropolis of Banat-Timișoara)
found: New York times (online), viewed Sept. 30, 2014(in obituary published Sept. 29: Nicolae Corneanu; d. Sunday [Sept. 28, 2014], at his home in Bucharest, aged 90; Orthodox bishop who in 1999 acknowledged collaborating with the Securitate, Romania's feared secret police, confirming suspicions that senior clerics had been closely tied to the regime of the Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu)
found: Romanian Wikipedia, viewed Sept. 30, 2014(under Nicolae Corneanu: Nicolae Mihail Corneanu; b. Nov. 21, 1923, Caransebeș; d. Sept. 28, 2014, Timișoara; eminent hierarch in Biserica Ortodoxă Română; Archbishop of Timișoara and Metropolitan of Banat, 1962-2014)
found: Mitropolia Banatului, Arhiepiscopia Timișoarei WWW site, viewed Sept. 30, 2014(Nicolae Corneanu, Archbishop of Timișoara and Metropolitan of Banat; b. Nov. 21, 1923, Caransebeș; d. Sept. 28, 2014, at the metropolitan residence in Timișoara)