found: Män som hatar kvinnor [VR] 2010:credits (Eric Kress)
found: IMDb WWW site, Jan. 4, 2011(Eric Kress; b. 1962, Denmark; cinematographer)
found: Internet movie database, 17 Sept. 2010(alternate name, Eric Cress)
found: IMDb, July 6, 2017:(Eric Kress; born March 25, 1962, in Zurich, Switzerland; active in film and television since early 1990s)
found: Wikipedia, July 6, 2017:(Eric Kress; is a Danish national)
found: LinkedIn, July 6, 2017:(Eric Kress, cinematographer; located near Copenhagen, Denmark; graduated from the Danske filmskole in 1991)
found: Män som hatar kvinnor, ©2010:credits (Erik Kress)