found: Washington post WWW site, viewed April 20, 2020(in obituary dated April 18, 2020: Craig Gilbert, the creator of a groundbreaking 1973 documentary television series, "An American Family," which examined the inner turmoil of a California family and came to be known as the first reality TV show, died April 10 at his home in New York City. He was 94. Craig P. Gilbert was born Aug. 13, 1925, in New York. Mr. Gilbert graduated from Harvard University in 1949, and then became a film editor with the March of Time newsreels and for the Emmy Award-winning "Victory at Sea" documentary series about the Navy during World War II. He later worked as a writer and film editor, producing cultural programming for CBS and other outlets. In 1964, Mr. Gilbert joined WNET-TV, a newly formed public broadcasting station in New York, where he produced documentaries about anthropologist Margaret Mead and Christy Brown, a disabled Irish author and artist who could write and paint only by using the toes of one foot)