found: The pumpkin patch, c1966:t.p. (drawn by Tom Hamil)
found: Brother Alonzo, 1957:title page (drawn and told by Tom Hamil)
found: Tom Hamil website, viewed February 25, 2014:(Painter Tom Hamil, born New York, attended US Naval Academy in Annapolis, M.A. and Ph.D. in Fine Arts and Education from University of Washington; has authored and illustrated PLOOB, Brother Alonzo, Hans and the golden flute and more; lives in Zirahuén, Michoacán, Mexico and Truth or Consequences, New Mexico) - http://www.tom-hamil/index.html
found: E-mail from Tom Hamil, February 25, 2014:(Thomas Arthur Hamil; born April 6, 1928; has used full name for academic writing and Tom Hamil for art and works for children)