found: U.S. Cong. Senate. Comm. on Foreign Relations. Nomination of Kenneth L. Adelman, of Virginia, to be deputy representative to the United Nations, with the rank of ambassador, Robert J. Hughes, of Massachusetts, to be Assistant Director, International Communication Agency, William J. Dyess, of Alabama, to be ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, John L. Loeb, Jr., of New York, to be ambassador to Denmark, Keith F. Nyborg, of Idaho, to be ambassador to Finland, 1981p. 1 (William J. Dyess) p. 37 (William Jennings Dyess; b. Aug. 1, 1929, Troy, Ala.; B.A. 1950, M.A. 1951, University of Alabama; Graduate study 1951-1952, Oxford University; ABD (1952-53, 1956-57), Syracuse University)
found: Wikipedia, Aug. 2, 2012(William Jennings Dyess (1929-1996) was a United States diplomat who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from 1980 to 1981 and as United States Ambassador to the Netherlands from 1982 to 1983; d. Jan. 6, 1996)
found: OCLC database, Aug. 2, 2012(hdg.: Dyess, William; usage: William Dyess)
found: Nominations, Wednesday, August 20, 1980, United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C., 1980:p. [61] (William Jennings Dyess, born: August 1, 1929, Troy, Alabama; United States Army, 1953-56; served in the United States Department of State since 1958)