found: Trenet, Charles. Vous oubliez votre cheval, 1938?:label (Arcady)
found: The world encyclopedia of cartoons, 1980(Arcady Brachlianoff; born January 12, 1912, Sofia, Bulgaria; French animator and producer)
found: Bendazzi, Giannalberto. Animation, 2015, viewed via Google Books, November 20, 2015:volume 1, page 136 (Arcady (Arcady Brachlianoff); died November 12, 2001, Paris; wrote music for some of Charles Trenet's lyrics)
found: Prehistoric images, 2013:credits (directors, Thomas Rowe and Arcady ; photography, Arcady ; original score, Arcady)
found: Wikipédia, viewed August 22, 2014(Arcady (réalisateur); Arcady Brachlianoff, called Arcady; French film director and director of photography; born in Sofia en 1912 and died in Paris Nov. 12, 2001)
found: Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, viewed August 22, 2014:Recherche personnalité > Résultat recherche > Fiche Oeuvre (Arcady; France (02/01/1912 - 12/11/2001); other names: Arcady Brachlianoff; special effects, composer, director of photography, animator, writer, producer)
found:, June 11, 2018(Arcady (1912-2001); country: France; Birth: Sofia (Bulgaria), 1912; Death: Paris, 12-11-2001. Composer, director, director of photography. Founder of Films de Saturne. Nom d'artiste of Arcady Brachlianoff) -