- Nykke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, approximately 1447-1535
- Richard, Bishop of Norwich, approximately 1447-1535
- Nix, Richard, approximately 1447-1535
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Birth Date
- 1447~
Death Date
- 1535
Associated Locale
- Norwich (England)
Associated Language
- English
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Nix, Richard, Bishop of Norwich. [Register Brevium], approximately 1460, and later additions in early 16th c.] :leaf 410v (Liber Ric[ard]i Nykke ep[iscop]i Norwicen[sis])
- found: Oxford DNB, searched 2 Oct. 2015(Nix [Nykke], Richard, d. 1447-1535; Bishop of Norwich; studied at Oxford and Cambridge; held many benefices and church offices, beginning in 1473 and include rectories and vicarages in Berkshire, Somerset, Devon and Durham; became bishop of Norwich on 26 Feb. 1501 and held see until death in 1535; opponent of Lollardy and Reformation; in 1530 arraigned in court of King's bench on charges of abetting Cardinal Wolsey; in 1534 prosecuted, convicted and condemned on charge of praemunire until paid large fine; later pardoned by Parliament)
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Change Notes
- 2015-12-09: new
- 2015-12-10: revised
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