found: Shipped in good order and well conditioned by [blank], 1798:inscr. (David Ames, Esqr.; Springfield, Mass.)
found: OCLC, Apr. 22, 2016(access point: Ames, David, 1760-1847)
found: Ancestry, via WWW, Apr. 22, 2016:Ames Family Tree (David Ames; b. 2 Feb. 1760 at Bridgewater, Mass.; d. 6 Aug. 1847 in Springfield, Mass.)
found: America's Historical Newspapers, via WWW, Apr. 25. 2016:Albany Evening Journal, Albany, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1847 (David Ames; one time superintendent of the Federal Armory at Springfield, Mass.; paper manufacturer; d. at Springfield, Mass. on Friday last aged 87)