The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Ludolf, von Sudheim, active 14th century

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Clipeator, Ludolf, active 14th century
    • Schilder, Ludolf, active 14th century
    • Ludolf, von Suchen, active 14th century
    • Ludolf, von Suchem, active 14th century
    • Ludolfus, von Sudheim, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, von Suchem, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, von Suchen, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, von Sudheim, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, de Sudheim, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, de Suchen, active 14th century
    • Ludolphus, Suchensis, active 14th century
    • Suchem, Ludolf von, active 14th century
    • Suchen, Ludolf von, active 14th century
    • Sudheim, Ludolf von, active 14th century
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: nuc88-102193: His Ludolph von Suchem's description ... 1971:(heading on NNU report: Ludolfus de Suchem, 14th century; usage: Ludolph von Suchem)
        • found: His Iter ad Terram Sanctam ("De Terra Sancta et itinere Jherusolomitano ..." / "Libellus de jtinere ad Terram Sanctam"), approximately 1475-1480:leaf 2r (Ludolphus parochialis ecclesie in Suchen rector)
        • found: Deutsche Biographie (Web), 25 July 2016:(Ludolf von Sudheim; actually Ludolf Clipeator or Schilder, of a respected artisan family in Osnabrück; priest and traveller to the Orient, 14th century; called Ludolf von Suchem, from the village of Suthem (Sudheim), near Lichtenau, Kreis Büren, Westphalia, in the diocese of Paderborn, where he was parish priest in the time of Bishop Balduin (1340-1361); earlier, priest in the diocese of Osnabrück in the time of Bishop Gottfried von Osnabrück (1321-1349); in 1336-1341, in the train of a knight serving the king of Armenia, he made a journey to the Orient, on which he based his work De itinere Terrae Sanctae [also referred to in various sources as Iter ad Terram Sanctam, De itinere ad Terram Sanctam, Libellus de itinere ad Terram Sanctam, etc.]) -
        • found: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages, 2000:pages 346-347 ("Ludolf (Ludolphus) of Suchem (Suchen or Sudheim), fl. 1336-1350"; no information available outside the confines of his book De itinere Terrae Sanctae liber; identified in introduction as Ludolf, rector of the parish church in Suchen, the location of which "remains a mystery")
        • found: Wikipedia, 6 July 2016:(Ludolf von Sudheim, also called Ludolph von Suchem, was a German priest who is primarily known as the author of an account of his time in the Levant and a history of the fall of the Crusader states. Little is known of his life other than that he spent the years 1336-1341 travelling in the Holy Land and the Eastern Mediterranean islands.)
        • found: Incunabula short title catalogue (Web), 6 July 2016:(Ludolphus de Suchen)
        • found: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (Web), 6 July 2016:(Suchem, Ludolphus de)
        • found: Bayerische Staastbibliothek, Inkunabelkatalog (Web), 6 July 2016:(Ludolphus <de Sudheim>)
        • found: Catalogue of fifteenth century books now in the Bodleian Library:(Ludolphus Suchensis)
        • found: OCLC, 6 July 2016:(AP's [other than incorrect Ludolf, von Sachsen]: Ludolphus de Suchen; Suchen Ludolphus de; Ludolphus, de Suchen, active 14th century; Ludolphus Suchensis; Ludolphus, Suchensis, -ca. 1350; Ludolphus, Suchensis, 1336-1341; Ludolphus, Suchensis, 1336-1350; Ludolfus de Sudheim; Sudheim, Ludolf von; usage: Ludolphus de Suchen; Ludolphus Suchensis; Ludolph von Suchen; Ludolph von Suchem; Ludolf von Sudheim)
      • Editorial Notes

        • [Not to be confused with Ludolf, von Sachsen, approximately 1300-1377 or 1378; in 1989 the two authors were conflated in an update to n 84175313 (adding a 400 for this author: Ludolph, von Suchem, approximately 1300-1377 or 1378); as of July 2016 many bibliographic records in the WorldCat reflect this confusion.]
      • Instance Of

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      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 2016-07-26: new
        • 2016-07-27: revised
      • Alternate Formats