found: Ján Langoš, 2016:page 183, etc. (Ing. Ján Langoš; born Aug. 2, 1946 in Banská Bystrica; studied physics at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and worked as an experimental physicist at the Ústav technickej kybernetiky of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; published samizdat magazines and was involved in human rights activism; 1989 co-founded Verejnost̕ proti násiliu; 1990-1992 served as Minister of the Interior of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic; 1994-2002 served as member of the Slovak National Council; 1995-1998 and 1999-2001 served as chairman of the Slovak Democratic Party; 2003-2006 served as chairman of Ústav pamäti národa; died in a car crash in 2006)