Miralles, Francisco, 1837-
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found: Cano, Luis C. Los espíritus de la ciencia ficcion, 2017:ECIP title page (Francisco Miralles) table of contents (Desde Júpiter de Francisco Miralles)
found: Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre WWW page 12 September 2017:Francisco Miralles (Chile) (b. 4 October, 1837, Santa Cruz de Colchagua, Chile; became an engineer in 1856; 1874 published his discovery of desalinization of sea water; in 1877 showed his literary side, publishing under the pseudonym of Saint Paul a series of romances in the daily La República, and in 1879, a series of literary and biographical articles in El Ferrocarril; also published in other newspapers and magazines; in 1877 published Desde Júpiter)
found: Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre WWW page 12 September 2017:Desde Júpiter (novel by Francisco Miralles published in 1877 under the pseudonym Saint Paul; recognized as the first published book of Chilean science fiction)
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2017-09-12: new
2017-09-13: revised
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