found: Its Normal College. Normal College of the American Gymnastic Union, 1920-21:t.p. (American Gymnastic Union)
found: NUCMC data from Univ. of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign Archives for St. Louis Turnverein. Records, 1923-1932(name not given)
found: LC manual cat.(under heading. American Turners: national society organized in 1850 at Philadelphia, though some local societies were founded as early as 1848; name Socialistischer Turnerbund; dormant during Civil War; reorganized in 1864 as Amerikanischer Turnerbund; known as Nordamerikanischer Turnerbund; English equivalent, North American Gymnastic Union, was also used beginning in 1865; name changed in 191-? to American Gymnastic Union, in 1922? to American Turnerbund, and again in 1938 to American Turners)
notfound: North American Gymnastic Union. Normal College. Normal College of the North American Gymnastic Union, 1907-1908: t.p. (North American Gymnastic Union)