found: The great migration, c2000:t.p. (Taft Museum of Art)
found: Taft Museum of Art WWW home page, Oct. 25, 2000(Taft Museum of Art; no mention of name change but consistent use of "Taft Museum of Art")
found: Inspiring Impressionism, 2015:colophon (Traft Museum of Art)
found: Taft Museum of Art, via WWW, April 25, 2016(The Taft Museum of Art is one of the finest small art museums in America; a National Historic Landmark built in 1820, the Taft is home to an extensive art collection that includes European and American master paintings, Chinese porcelains, and European decorative arts.; see major works by Rembrandt, Hals, Goya, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Turner, Ingres, Whistler, and Sargent, as well as the greatest Gothic ivory sculpture in America; The Taft Museum of Art, 316 Pike Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, [email protected]) -
notfound: The American weigh, c1983: t.p. (Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio)