found: Branch, M.C. Comparative urban design, 1978:name on map (W.B. Clarke)
found: Tooley's dict. of mapmakers, 1979(Clarke, W.B. drew maps for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1831-6)
found: RLIN, map file, Aug. 11, 2001(hdg.: Clarke, W. B.)
found: Open court and house at Grand Cairo, 1835:image caption (engraved by J. Jackson, after a drawing by W. B. Clarke)
found: Barry Lawrence Ruderman, Antique Maps Inc. (website), viewed March 5, 2019(map, Plan of Ancient Rome, by W. B. Clarke, Archt.; published under the superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge)
found: The gallery of modern British artists, 1834, viewed online March 5, 2019:page 26 (W. B. Clarke, Architect)
found: Wikipedia, March 5, 2019(William Barnard Clarke; born 1806, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire; English architect and archaeologist; a gifted sketch artist, published a collection of maps of European cities; president of the Architectural Society in London, 1834-1835 (predecessor of the Royal Institute of British Architects, with which it merged in 1842); active member of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for whom he produced a two-volume work about Pompeii; has been mistakenly conflated with William Barnard Clarke (1804-1894), M.D., physician, naturalist and museum curator)