found: Levin, Robert. Talent flow, c2001:t.p. (Robert Levin) galley (Bob Levin, BA in biology from Reed College (1979), Center for Human Function & Work, University of Colorado at Boulder Research Park, Integrative Study of Work at the University of Colorado-Boulder, adjunct member of the Management faculty in the College of Business and Administration, associate member of the Institute of Cognitive Science, visiting research fellow in the faculty of Biological Sciences at Cambridge University and Darwin College, Cambridge, b. July 27, 1957)
found: High-impact hiring, 1997:t.p. (Robert Levin) p. 298 ("He has written a wide range of materials on management, coaching, and hiring ...")
found: Email from the author, Dec. 4, 2006(also the co-author of: Jossey Bass guide to academic hiring; and is co-editor of forthcoming book with the projected title: Work meets life)
found: Univ. of Colorado at Boulder website, Dec. 4, 2006(Center for the Integrative Study of Work; Robert A. Levin, Director and Fellow)