found: His A treatise on heliochromy, 1856:t.p. (L.L. Hill, of Westkill, Greene Co., N.Y.) p. 1, etc. (printer, Baptist minister, daguerreotypist; b. 2/26/1816)
found: LC in RLIN, 11/13/91(hdg.: Hill, Levi L., b. 1816; usage: Levi L. Hill; L.L. Hill)
found: MWA/NAIP files(hdg.: Hill, Levi L., b. 1816; usage: Levi L. Hill; L.L. Hill)
found: Wikipedia, Jan. 6, 2015(Levi Hill; b. Feb. 26, 1816; d. Feb. 9, 1865; Baptist minister in Westkill, N.Y. and amateur photographer/inventor who claimed to have invented a color photographic process in 1851 that he called "heliochromes", popularly know as "hilotypes")
found: Luminous-lint, Jan. 6, 2015(Levi L. Hill; b. Athens, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1816; d. Feb. 9, 1865; Baptist minister and early daguerrotypist; created very early experimental color photographs that became known as "hilotypes"; variants: Levi Hill; Reverend Hill; Reverend Levi L. Hill) -