Georgetown University. Philodemic Society
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
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found: Brent, G. Annual address delivered before the Philodemic Society of Georgetown College, 1845
found: Georgetown University: origin and early years, 1957:p. 234-235 (Philodemic Society, organized on February 22, 1830; limited to members of the senior class)
found: Address delivered before the Philodemic Society, at the annual commencement of Georgetown College, D.C., July 27, 1847, 1847:(Philodemic Society, Georgetown College) p. [25] (began in 1830, it is "essentially a debating society" for the cultivation of eloquence, promotion of knowledge and the preservation of liberty in the U.S.)
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Change Notes
1994-05-26: new
2006-09-19: revised
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