found: Work cat.: MacKenzie, D.W. As it was, 2000:t.p. (an Ulva boyhood) p. 4 of cover (island of Ulva)
found: GEOnet, Feb. 6, 2001:United Kingdom (Ulva, isl.; 56⁰29ʹ00ʺN, 6⁰14ʹ00ʺW)
found: Bartholomew gaz.(Ulva, sparsely inhabited isl. off the west coast of Mull)
found: Columbia gaz.(Ulva, sparsely populated island off the Inner Hebrides, Strathclyde region, Scotland, on the west coast of Mull)
found: Lippincott(Ulva)
found: LC database, Feb. 7, 2001:hdg. (Ulva (Scotland))
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]island; 56°29ʹ00ʺN 006°14ʹ00ʺW
notfound: Web. geog.