found: Work cat.: Classics Digital Library Collection, 2001(Ludovisi Throne)
found: Oxford companion to art, 1970:p. 675 (Ludovisi Throne; a deep marble fender, perhaps from the end of a large altar, probably south Italian Greek work of c. 460 B.C.; includes relief of two women helping an emerging goddess; on the sides sit a draped woman with incense and a naked woman playing the double flute)
found: McGraw-Hill dictionary of art, 1969:v. 3, p. 481 (Ludovisi Throne; now in the National Museum of Rome; has three panels alluding perhaps to the birth of Aphrodite; early classical period, ca. 470-465 B.C.)
found: 2007357382: Candelise, A.M. Il Trono Ludovisi, 2006.