found: Work cat.: Gorla, R.S.R. Effects of unsteady free stream velocity and free stream turbulence on stagnation point heat transfer, 1984.
found: McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003:p. 2013 (stagnation point - (fl[uid] mech[anics]) - A point in a field of flow about a body where the fluid particles have zero velocity with respect to the body)
found: Chambers dictionary of science and technology, 1999:p. 1094 (stagnation point - (aero[nautics)] - point at or near the nose of a body in motion in a fluid where the flow divides and where fluid pressure is at a maximum, and the fluid is at rest)
found: Academic Press dictionary of science and technology, 1992:p. 2076 (stagnation point - fluid mechanics - the point in a flow field about a body at which the fluid has zero velocity relative to the body)
found: Web. 3(stagnation point)