Metauro, Battle of the, Italy, 207 B.C.
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found: Work cat.: Convegno su La via Flaminia e la Battaglia del Metauro, 2002:Facing t.p. (The book brings together the second volume of the acts of the conference on "The Via Flaminia and the Battle of the Metauro ...)
found: Metaurus website, 27 Feb. 2004(Marotta's name ... was derived from the ancient battle of the Metauro, against Asdrubal's Carthaginian army, in which they were defeated in 207 B.C.)
found: Hannibal website, 27 Feb. 2004(Hasdrubal's army was defeated, however, by the Roman consul Gaius Claudinius Nero in the Battle of the Metauro in northern Italy (207 B.C.) ...)
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