found: Work cat.: Byrd Névé (Antarctica), 2003.
found: GNIS Antarctica, April 7, 2004(Byrd Névé, glacier, 81⁰00ʹS, 154⁰00ʹE; an immense névé at the head of Byrd Glacier. Named by the NZ-APC in association with Byrd Glacier.)
found: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, April 12, 2004(Névé; the partially compacted granular snow that forms the surface part of the upper end of a glacier; broadly : a field of granular snow)
found: GNISglacier; 81°00ʹ00ʺS 154°00ʹ00ʺE
notfound: Web. geog.;Columbia Gazetteer of the World;Times Atlas of the World