found: Work cat.: Album 12.36c - Mystic Lake, with Old Desolate on the left, north slope of Mount Rainier, August 12, 1924, via the Mountaineers digital image collection, Dec. 14, 2004.
found: GNIS, Dec. 13, 2004(Old Desolate, summit, Washington, Pierce Co.)
found: Washington place names, via WWW, Dec. 13, 2004(Old Desolate: This large barren mountain on the north slope of Mount Rainier, between the Carbon Glacier and the foot of the Winthrop Glacier. It is five miles north of the summit of Mount Rainier between Moraine and Vernal peaks.)
found: Mountaineer peak pin awards, via The Mountaineers reference tools web site, Dec. 13, 2004(Old Desolate Mt. (7130ʹ))
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]summit; 46°55ʹ45ʺN 121°45ʹ08ʺW