found: Work cat.: Educational attainment in the United States: March 1991 and 1990, 1992:p. 1 ("The detailed tables present data on years of school completed by persons 15 years old and over ...")
found: Shafritz, J.M. The Facts on File dictionary of education, 1988(educational attainment (years of school completed) - The highest grade of regular school attended and completed)
found: Demographic data terms: NYS Kids' Well-Being Indicators Clearinghouse, via WWW, Dec. 22, 2004(Educational attainment - Refers to the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed)
found: Encyclopedia of education, 2003:v. 8, index (educational attainment)
found: World education encyclopedia, 2001:v. 3, index (educational attainment, see Level of education completed)
found: ERIC, May 16, 2005(educational attainment)
notfound: Greenwood dictionary of education, 2003;Dictionary of education, 1973;Rowntree, D. A dictionary of education, 1982