found: Work cat.: Electr. reprod./Stronen, A.V. Habitat selection and calf survival in the Telkwa caribou herd, British Columbia, 1997-2000, 2000:abstr. (Telkwa Mountains in west-central British Columbia)
found: Canadian geographical names, via WWW, June 17, 2005(Telkwa Range, British Columbia, Mountain, Location: Range 5 Coast, 54⁰27ʹ00ʺN - 127⁰10ʹ00ʺW)
found: BC Geographical Names Information System, June 17, 2005(Telkwa Range, range, 54⁰27ʹ00ʺ 127⁰10ʹ00ʺ, S of junction of Telkwa and Bulkley Rivers, S of Smithers, Range 5 Coast Land District)
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]summit; 54°26ʹ59ʺN 127°10ʹ12ʺW
notfound: GEOnet, June 17, 2005;, June 17, 2005;Peakware world mountain encyc., via WWW, June 17, 2005;Canadian subject headings, via WWW, June 17, 2005;Encyc. of British Columbia, via WWW, June 17, 2005