Post Office Strike, Great Britain, 1971
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: Weal, J. The Post Office workers v the State : the great 1971 post office Strike, 1971.
found: New Statesman WWW site, June 9, 2006:People, NS profile, Alan Johnson (the 1971 national Post Office strike)
found: Weekly worker WWW site, June 9, 2006:331, Thursday April 13 2000 (the Post Office strike of 1971)
found: BBC on this day WWW site, June 9, 2006(1971: Post strike ends with pay deal. British postal workers have gone back to work today after seven weeks on strike.)
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Change Notes
2006-10-19: new
2006-10-20: revised
Alternate Formats