found: Work cat.: Eckert, A.J. The phylogenetic position, historical phylogeography, and population genetics of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.), 2006.
found: ITIS, Feb. 12, 2007(Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf. -- accepted -- foxtail pine, foxtailed pine)
found: The gymnosperm database, via WWW, Feb. 12, 2007(Pinus balfouriana. Common names: Foxtail pine; the two subspecies are commonly called the "northern" and "southern" foxtail pines, though the southern trees, which are far more famous, are commonly just called "foxtail pines")
found: Plants database, via WWW, Feb. 12, 2007(Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf. - foxtail pine)
found: The Plant Press dict. of common names, via WWW, Feb. 12, 2007(Pinus balfouriana, Foxtail Pine)
notfound: GRIN taxonomy for plants, via WWW, Feb. 12, 2007