found: Work cat.: White box, yellow box, Blakely's red gum grassy woodlands and derived native grasslands, 2006:p. 2 (White Box (Eucalyptus albens))
found: Australian plant common name database, via WWW, Feb. 22, 2007(Eucalyptus albens, White Box)
found: GRIN taxonomy for plants, via WWW, Feb. 22, 2007(Eucalyptus albens. Genus: Eucalyptus subgenus: Symphyomyrtus section: Maidenaria. Synonym: Eucalyptus hemiphloia var. albens)
found: EucaLink : a Web guide to the eucalypts, Feb. 22, 2007(Eucalyptus albens. White Gum, Box, White Box)
found: EUCLID : eucalypts of southern Australia, via WWW, Feb. 22, 2007(White box, Eucalyptus albens. Eucalyptus albens belongs in Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus section Adnataria (the boxes))