Managed lanes (Traffic engineering)
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found: Work cat.: Managed lanes : more efficient use of the freeway system, 2002.
found: Managed Lanes WWW homepage, via Texas Transportation Institute WWW site, August 12, 2007:/about (Managed lane facility increases freeway efficiency by packaging various operational and design actions)
found: Convertible roadways and lanes, 2004:p. 9 (managed lanes can be used to retrict access to certain lanes at different times of day, and can involve "value pricing")
found: Freeway management and operations handbook, via US Federal Highway Administation WWW site, August 12, 2007:p. 8.1 (Managed lanes involve regulation, warning, guidance and redistribution of traffic to meet such overall goals as: improve traffic operations, facilitate movement of people and goods, improve safety, generate revenue)
found: Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Thesaurus online, August 13, 2007(managed lanes: broader term, traffic lanes)
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2007-08-14: new
2008-01-29: revised
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