Baker, Polly (Literary hoax)
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found: Work cat.: Hall, Max. Benjamin Franklin & Polly Baker, 1990:t.p. (the history of a literary deception)
found: Encyclopedia of the New American Nation, 2006:v. 2, p. 173, entry under "Humor" (One of Franklin's most famous comic pieces, "The Speech of Miss Polly Baker" (1747), uses as a female persona a woman of easy virtue who naively and reasonably defends her promiscuity by criticizing the double standard of sexual morality and justifies her sexual behavior by innocently claiming that she was merely following nature and "nature's God," the God who said "increase and multiply.")
found: LC database, Apr. 15, 2008(hdg.: Baker, Polly (Literary hoax))
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Change Notes
2008-04-16: new
2008-11-06: revised
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