found: Work cat.: 2004273502: Roger, Robert E. A guide to gimlets, 2003:p. 2 (Gimlets: tools that employ a cutting edge or edges to slice round holes in wood or other material using a one-handed twisting motion)
found: Wikipedia, Mar. 24, 2009(A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes, mainly in wood, without splitting; similar to an auger)
found: Audels carpenters and builders guide, viewed Mar. 24, 2009(Gimlets are for boring small holes by hand pressure, though the bit form of gimlet is used in a brace being adapted to heavier and quicker boring than the gimlet which has a handle; there are two kinds of gimlet: 1, twist, and 2, plain or shell; extra large gimlets (1/4 to 1/2 in. diam.) are called auger gimlets)