found: Work cat.: Zaloga, S.J. Staghound armored car 1942-62, 2009:back cover (Staghound; was a unique World War II armored vehicle, designed and manufactured in the U.S., but intended solely for the British Army)
found: Wikipedia, Jan. 25, 2009:under T17 Armored Car (T17 Armored Car; the British allocated the name: Staghound to the T17E series (T17E1, T17E2, T17E3))
found: Staghound Website and Registration, Jan. 25, 2009Staghound T17 home page (Staghound T17)
found: WWW site, Jan. 29, 2010(Staghound)
found: WWW site, Jan. 29, 2010(T17 Armored Car (Staghound))