found: Work cat.: Engel, J.J. Austral Hepaticae. 45, A monograph of the genus Chiloscyphus Corda (Lophocoleaceae) for Australasia, 2010:p. 1 (Chiloscyphus is the largest genus of Lophocoleaceae and has ca. 250 species)
found: Bryophyte names authority list, via WWW, May 17, 2010(Chiloscyphus Corda in Opiz, 1829 [Sept.1829] - Hepatics)
found: NCBI taxonomy browser, May 17, 2010(Chiloscyphus. Rank: genus. Family Geocalycaceae)
found: ITIS, May 17, 2010(Chiloscyphus. Common name: chiloscyphus. Family Geocalycaceae)
found: Plant systematics and evolution, Nov. 2006, via WWW, viewed May 17, 2010:pp. 125-126 (Chiloscyphus Corda (Jungermanniales: Lophocoleaceae); many recent authors included the strictly perianth bearing Lophocoleaceae in the marsupia/perigynia carrying Geocalycaceae; RbcL sequence data support a separation of the strictly perianth bearing Lophocoleaceae from the Geocalycaceae)
notfound: GRIN taxonomy for plants, via WWW, May 17, 2010