found: Work cat.: 59051217: Dabney, J.L. Dabney-Frost debate on marriage, divorce and remarriage : must adulterers separate before being baptized?, 1959.
found: Web. 3(adulterer: one that commits adultery; esp: a man who commits adultery)
found: Wiktionary, May 13, 2011(adulterer (plural adulterers): One who commits adultery)
found: The American heritage dictionary of the English language, c2000(adulterer: One who commits adultery)
found: Wikipedia, May 13, 2011(Adultery (also called philandery) is a form of extramarital sex; it is sexual infidelity to one's spouse; adulterer; cheating spouse)
found: The free online dictionary, May 13, 2011(philander 1. To carry on a sexual affair, especially an extramarital affair, with a woman one cannot or does not intend to marry; Used of a man; 2. To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude; noun: philanderer; cheat v. intr. 3. Informal To be sexually unfaithful: cheat on a spouse; noun: cheat; cheater)