found: Work cat: 2011367504: Zhongguo gu jian zhu gua luo 500 li, 2010.
found: Britannica Online [Academic Edition], Nov. 8, 2011("fascia, In architecture, a continuous flat band or molding parallel to the surface that it ornaments and either projecting from or slightly receding into it, as in the face of a Classical Greek or Roman entablature. Today the term refers to any flat, continuous band, such as that adjacent and perpendicular to a ceiling soffit, the portion of a wall above built-in cabinets, or the outer face of a parapet wall or projecting roof.")
found: Random House Dict., 2nd ed., 1987(fascia; plural is fasciae; in architecture, "any relatively broad, flat, horizontal surface, as the outer edge of a cornice, a stringcourse, etc.")