found: Work cat.: Leslau, W. Ethiopians speak, 1965-68:vol. 4, t.p. (Muher)
found: Ethnologue, 2014(Sebat Bet Gurage, a language of Ethiopia; sgw; member of Gurage subgroup of languages; dialects: Chaha (Cheha), Ezha (Eza, Izha), Gumer (Gwemarra), Gura, Gyeto, Muher; location of Muher dialect: Ch'eza area, mountains north of Chaha and Ezha; classification: Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, South, Ethiopian, South, Outer, tt-Group)
found: Linguasphere, 1999(12-ACE-bbe; muher; muxer; Ethiopia (Shewa))
found: Ethnologue online, August 1, 2017:Sebat Bet Gurage (a language of Ethiopia; dialects: Chaha (Cheha), Ezha (Eza, Izha), Gumer (Gwemarra), Gura, Gyeto, Muher (Muxir))