found: Work cat.: Paris, P.-E. (Pierre-Emmanuel). Au fil de l'os : économie et société chez les Rèmes et les Suessions par le prisme de l'archéozoologie, [2016](on the animal remains of the Remi and Suessiones Celts in the Aisne River Valley)
found: Wikipedia, viewed September 22, 2017(The Remi were a Belgic people of north-eastern Gaul (Gallia Belgica). the Romans regarded them as a civitas, a major and influential polity of Gaul. The Remi occupied the northern Champagne plain, on the southern fringes of the Forest of Ardennes, between the rivers Mosa (Meuse) and Matrona (Marne), and along the river valleys of the Aisne and its tributaries the Aire and the Vesle.)
found: The history files website, viewed September 22, 2017(Remi (Belgae). In general terms, the Romans coined the name 'Gaul' to describe the Celtic tribes of what is now central, northern and eastern France. To the north of these were the tribes of the Belgae, divided from the Gauls by the rivers Marne and the Seine. By the middle of the first century BD, the Remi were located in northern Gaul in the area of Reims (their capital), between modern Champagne and the Ardennes)
found: Celtic culture, 2006, viewed online September 22, 2017:page 357 (Remi, a powerful Celtic tribe)
notfound: Encyclopedia of archaeology, viewed online September 22, 2017