found: Work cat.: Mercier, Ann. Kaska language lessons, Watson Lake dialect, 2017.
found: Kaska Language Website, viewed 2019-02-15:About Kaska ("Kaska is a Northern Dene (Athabaskan) language, closely related to neighboring Dene languages such as Talhtan, Sekani, Beaver, Slavey, Southern Tutchone and Northern Tutchone. Most Kaska people live in the communities of Ross River and Watson Lake in southeastern Yukon and in Lower Post, and Good Hope Lake in northern British Columbia")
found: Yukon Native Language Centre website, viewed 2019-02-15:Kaska ("Kaska is spoken in the southeastern Yukon in the communities of Ross River, Watson Lake and Upper Liard, and in northern British Columbia in the communities of Lower Post, Fireside, Good Hope Lake, Dease Lake and Muncho Lake. The Kaska language is closely related to Tagish, Tahltan and Sekani. There are some differences in the dialects of Kaska spoken in different regions. Fluent speakers can understand adjoining dialects but younger speakers often have more difficulty understanding more distant dialects. Although Tahltan, Tagish and Sekani are often identified as separate languages there is a high degree of mutual intelligibility between these languages and the adjoining dialects of Kaska")
found: Ethnologue Website, viewed on 2019-02-15:Kaska (alternate names: Caska, Eastern Nahane, Kaska Dena, Nahane, Nahani; autonym: Danezāgé')