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Catalyst transfer polycondensation

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Catalyst transfer polymerization
    • CTP (Catalyst transfer polycondensation)
    • Transfer polycondensation, Catalyst
    • Transfer polymerization, Catalyst
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Buenaflor, J. Designing nickel- and palladium-based precatalysts to improve catalyst-transfer polymerization towards conjugated polymer synthesis, 2019:abstr. (Catalyst transfer polymerization (CTP) is a versatile synthetic tool to obtain access to sequence specific [pi]-conjugated polymers, which are attractive materials for organic electronics. CTP proceeds through a chain-growth mechanism creating polymers with precise molecular weights, narrow dispersities, and end-group functionalization)
    • found: Wikipedia, June 25, 2020(Catalyst transfer polymerization (CTP), or Catalyst transfer polycondensation, is a type of living chain-growth polymerization that is used for synthesizing conjugated polymers)
    • found: Nature communications, v. 9(1):3866 (2018):p. 1 (article title: Identifying the missing link in catalyst transfer polymerization; abstr.: Nickel-catalyzed catalyst transfer polycondensation (CTP) of thiophenes is an efficient strategy for the controlled synthesis of polythiophene) p. 2 (Among current strategies for polythiophene synthesis, nickel-catalyzed catalyst transfer polycondensation (CTP) has proven particularly effective in the production of polythiophenes with high-molecular weights, regioregularity, low polydispersities, and end-group control)
    • found: Coordination chemistry reviews, v. 376 (Dec. 1, 2018):p. 225 (Catalyst-transfer polymerization has enabled synthesizing conjugated polymers with unmatched control over both polymer sequence and end-group identity) p. 226 (catalyst-transfer polymerization (CTP), is effective for polymerizing a range of (hetero)aromatic monomers, with the best results obtained for electron-rich substrates)
    • found: Macromolecules, v. 46(21) (12 Nov. 2013):p. 8395 (Conjugated polymer synthesis via catalyst-transfer polycondensation (CTP); a living, controlled chain-growth method for synthesizing [pi]-conjugated polymers)
    • found: Smith, M.L. Expanding the utility of catalyst-transfer polymerization, 2017:p. xvi (Conjugated polymers are electronically tunable semiconductors that can be solution-processed onto flexible substrates, making them valuable materials for electronic devices including bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells. Historical syntheses of [pi]-conjugated polymers have been step-growth; however, the development of catalyst-transfer polymerization (CTP) has led to precise control over molecular weight, dispersity, and copolymer sequence) p. 6 (each catalyst remains associated with a single polymer chain throughout the polymerization. This mechanism has been termed catalyst-transfer polymerization (CTP))
    • found: Chemical science, v. 10 (2019):p. 2075 (Catalyst transfer polycondensation is the only method to prepare [pi]-conjugated polymers in a chain-growth manner)
    • found: Google search, June 25, 2020(7,620 results for "catalyst transfer polymerization"; 11,600 results for "catalyst transfer polycondensation")
    • notfound: A dictionary of chemistry, 2020
  • Instance Of

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  • Change Notes

    • 2020-06-25: new
    • 2020-09-04: revised
  • Alternate Formats