Baka language (Cameroon and Gabon)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: Ethnologue:p. 177, under Cameroon (Baka (Pygmy-e, Pygmee, Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya, Pygmees de l'est, Babinga); Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, North, Adamawa-Ubangi, Ubangi, Sere-Ngbaka-Mba, Ngbaka, Western, Baka-Gundi) under Gabon (Baka (Babinga); "Babinga" is used for the Baka, Aka, and Bieli; separate Pygmy languages)
found: Niger-Congo languages, 1989:p. 194-5 (language tree, lists Baka, Bomasa, Ngundi, and Ngombe under Western division of Ngbaka/Mba languages ... The languages of subdivision II.a.ii.d are spoken mainly by Pygmy populations inhabiting the deep forest in the Cameroon-Gabon-Congo-CAR border region ...)
found: Fivaz, D. Afr. langs., 1977(lists 2 Baka langs. in index -- one Bongo-Bagirmi lang. spoken in Sudan and Zaire, one Omotic; also Baka Mombe, and Gbaya language. Ngbaka group listed separately)
found: Raponda Walker, A. Eléments de grammaire ébongwè, c1996, orig. 1937:p. 5 (Ebongwe or Gebongwe is the day-to-day language of the Babongo pygmies of Ngounié [present-day province in Gabon]; the Babongo (sing: Momongo) is the name used by the pygmies of these regions though other groups refer to them by a variety of other names including ... Babinga)
notfound: Ethnologue WWW site, Feb. 23, 1999;Murdoch world cult.;Voegelin lang.
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Change Notes
1986-02-11: new
2001-01-22: revised
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